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GOLDEN grey - Original
GOLDEN grey Original cat litter is made from high-quality bentonite. Thanks to its fine texture, the litter is pleasantly soft on sensitive cat paws. Bentonite is a purely natural product - one of the reasons why cats accept the litter so readily and easily.Thanks to its high absorbency, GOLDEN grey Original immediately traps moisture and unpleasant odors and releases a subtle scent of baby powder. The low-dust cat litter consists of super-clumping granules that do not stick to the cat's paws and therefore remain largely where they belong: in the litter tray. The immediate and firm lump formation clearly distinguishes the moist litter from the dry litter. As only the extremely stable clumps are disposed of during daily cleaning and the entire litter does not have to be replaced, GOLDEN grey Original is extremely economical and efficient.The advantages at a glance: Natural product Clump-forming With baby powder fragrance Economical to use Very low dusting 350% absorption capacity The bentonite used is a purely natural product - therefore completely safe for cats. 14 kg of this type is equivalent to approx. 42 kg of conventional cat litter.

From €9.65*
GOLDEN grey - Master
Die Katzenstreu GOLDEN grey – Master wird aus hochwertigem Bentonit hergestellt. Durch die feine Beschaffenheit ist die Streu angenehm weich an den empfindlichen Katzenpfötchen. Deshalb wird die Streu von Katzen problemlos und sehr gerne angenommen. Die Vorteile im Überblick: Naturprodukt Klumpen bildend Mit leichtem Babypuderduft Sparsam im Verbrauch Bis 350% Saugfähigkeit Staubarm Mit Hygiene-Mineralien 14 kg entsprechen ca. 45 kg herkömmlicher Streu.      

From €10.20*
GOLDEN pine ist ein reines Naturprodukt aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, welches zu 100% aus reinen Pflanzenfasern besteht. Es ist staubarm und klumpenbildend, dadurch sparsam im Verbrauch. Die Streu absorbiert unangenehme Gerüche und entfaltet zusätzlich einen leichten Pinienduft. GOLDEN pine ist kompostierbar und kann deshalb auch über die Toilette entsorgt werden.Alle Vorteile von Golden pine im Überblick: mit Pinienholz ohne Zusatzstoffe mit Pinienduft Klumpstreu hohe Saugkraft Staubarm Die Pflanzenfasern, welche für das Golden pine verwendet werden, sind völlig gefahrlos für die Katze  

From €11.35*
GOLDEN white - Hygienic
Die Katzenstreu GOLDEN white - Hygienic wird aus hochwertigem Bentonit hergestellt. Durch die feine Beschaffenheit ist die Streu angenehm weich an den empfindlichen Katzenpfötchen. Deshalb wird die Streu von Katzen problemlos und sehr gerne angenommen. Die Vorteile im Überblick: Naturprodukt klumpenbildend mit leichtem Lavendelduft sparsam im Verbrauch bis 320% Saugfähigkeit staubarm 14 kg entsprechen ca. 45 kg herkömmlicher Streu.        

From €9.65*
GOLDEN odour - Natural
GOLDEN odour - Natural ist eine klumpenbildende Katzenstreu mit biologischem Geruchsabsorber, welcher dafür sorgt, dass jegliche Gerüche neutralisiert werden. Durch die feine Körnung ist es besonders sanft zu Katzenpfoten. Durch den sparsamen Verbrauch ist GOLDEN odour - Natural sehr beliebt bei Katzenbesitzern. Alle Vorteile im Überblick: Naturprodukt Mit biologischem Geruchsabsorber Duftneutral Klumpenbildend 350% Saugfähigkeit Staubarm Das verwendete Bentonit ist ein reines Naturprodukt - deshalb völlig gefahrlos für die Katze.  

From €10.20*
GOLDEN pine - Nature 18L
pet-earth - GOLDEN pine - Nature is mine! For us, the pet-earth team, it was important to offer a sustainable cat litter made from local wood. 100% wood is processed into extremely dust-free litter using sophisticated technology. Wood shavings are pressed into pellets, which are then crushed into the optimum shape: Pleasant for sensitive cat paws and with an efficient surface structure. With no added perfume, it is the perfect solution for all cat owners who love nature as much as we do. GOLDEN pine - Nature allows cats to fulfil their needs as close to nature as possible. This promotes your pet‘s psyche and protects the environment.  THE ADVANTAGESPleasant on the paws Without chemical additives Ideal for kittens and allergy sufferers Easy to handle and dispose of as it is compostable Sustainable and environmentally friendly Efficient to use Optimum odour absorption with the help of nature Made from local woods GOLDEN pine - Nature is a purely natural product - therefore completely safe for cats. One bag is sufficient for approx. 45 days for one cat.

The runninGegg dog toy keeps your dog busy in a very special way. Due to its egg shape, it should not be graspable by the dog's mouth and therefore stimulates your dog's natural hunting instinct. Through movement, quick reaction and active thinking, your dog learns to keep a better eye on his toy and also to keep it under control. The advantages of this dog toy are particularly beneficial for owners who do not want to constantly throw balls, search for toys or run after them. The runningEgg is just the right dog toy for dogs with a strong play instinct. Its shape, material and unpredictable play options make the runninGegg dog toy an active play partner for your dog. To encourage your dog's motivation, reward your dog regularly for active play. The joy of playing with the runninGegg will last a long time and your dog will never get bored of the toy. Dog toy runninGegg at a glance: Egg shape Length approx. 30 cm, Ø approx. 18 cm, weight approx. 350 g Color: blue | yellow | redResistant Movement of the runninGegg unpredictable Interactive play No constant throwing, searching, running after for owners Long playing pleasure Note: As with any other product, you should supervise your pet when playing with this toy. Please check the product regularly for damage and replace the toy if it is defective or if parts are lost, otherwise injury to the animal cannot be ruled out.

GOLDEN wheat - Nature 18L
pet-earth – GOLDEN wheat - Nature 100% compostable! With GOLDEN wheat - Nature we have created a cat litter with the best odour absorption. In a patented process, the natural plant fibres from wheat residues become a natural odour killer with maximum absorbency. In this innovative way, we offer cats a dust-free environment. The flexible clumps of GOLDEN wheat - Nature guarantee the perfect binding of urine. Easy to use and super economical. GOLDEN wheat - Nature impressively demonstrates how additives such as colouring agents or perfume can be dispensed with in a completely natural and sustainable way. The long service life is easy on your wallet and helps the environment. The faeces can be disposed of in the toilet. THE ADVANTAGES Natural plant fibres for optimum odour absorption Flexible clumping guarantees optimum hygiene in the toilet Easy to use thanks to sustainable raw materials As dust-free as you want it to be Highly accepted by cats Easy on the environment and your wallet 100 % compostable and efficient GOLDEN wheat - Nature is a purely natural product - therefore completely safe for cats. One bag is sufficient for a cat for approx. three months.  

GOLDEN cassava - Nature 9L
pet-earth – GOLDEN cassava - Nature cats love it! The combination of cassava and maize starch provides the best odour control in your cat‘s litter tray. Super-fast clumping guarantees that the well-known soiling of the fur and tail by adhering litter – especially with long-haired cats – does not occur. The litter has the ideal grain size to minimise the removal of individual particles. Maximum absorbency, dry and hygienic - that is the performance of GOLDEN cassava - Nature. Clumps can be easily disposed of in the toilet or compost. Light in weight and ecological in disposal – hygiene has never been so easy.  THE ADVANTAGES Best odour absorption, hygienically clean Super economical: 1 bag + 1 cat = 3 months supply Grain size of 1 - 2.5 mm leaves the litter in the toilet No chemical additives, ideal for kittens Compostable or can be disposed of in the toilet Environmentally friendly and sustainable GOLDEN cassava - Nature is a purely natural product - therefore completely safe for cats. For one cat, one sachet is sufficient for approx. three months.  
